In order to cope with crisis situations quickly and offer help efficiently, humanitarian agencies need maps. Hence, MSF and the Red Cross have joined forces in 2014 to launch the Missing Maps project, along with the OpenStreetMap Foundation. All over the world the project recruits volunteers to map areas where the risk of natural disasters, epidemics and conflicts is greatest.
From March 22 till March 26 in 2023, the Belgian National Committee of Geography organizes the fifth edition of its National Mapathon event, in collaboration with Doctors Without Borders (MSF/AZG) and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT). Several universities in Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia and the University of Luxembourg open their doors for a large collective mapping event. Would you like to contribute an hour or longer? Do not miss this opportunity!
The VUB's Mapathon event will take place on Thursday, March 23 from 6-9PM in the computer rooms in Building E, ground floor (E.1.).
The only thing you need as a volunteer is a computer and an Internet connection. It is not difficult. In no time you are working as a road mapper. PCs will be available, but feel free to bring your own laptop and mouse if you prefer to work on your own computer
More info on the project: