Elsa Gallez
I joined the Department of Geography (VUB) in January 2022, as a PhD candidate in Interdisciplinary Studies: Urban studies. I hold a Msc in Urban Environmental Management (WUR, NL) and a Bsc in Geography (University of Namur, BE). I am a member of the CGIS, Cosmopolis and Interface Demography (ID) research groups.
My main research interest is the study of socio-environmental inequities and inequalities in cities. Aware of the complexity and paradoxes of urban environmental justice issues, I dedicate my research to the exploration of effective levers - in the fields of land policy and green infrastructures - aimed at providing a more equitable access to green amenities. As a PhD candidate, I am analyzing the spatial distribution of, and access/exposure to, nature-based solutions (NBS) and green and blue infrastructures (GBI) in the Brussels-Capital Region, within and around social facilities (e.g. schools).
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel